We are members of Abundant Living Family Church, Rancho Cucamonga, California. We have been members since 2008. Our journey as Christians started when our youngest son gave his life to Christ around 2000 and as he lived out his life in front of his family we all began to fall like dominos. He invited Caroline to go to ALFC a few years later and she met prayer warriors that helped pray Ted into the kingdom (the last domino in our immediate family to fall). After a radical transformation in 2008 (of Ted by Christ), the two of us served in different ministries. Our hearts were always about outreach and missions and God led us to sign up for our first missions trip which was to Mukono, Uganda in October of 2015. In 2016 we began to develop the vision that the Lord placed in our hearts for starting a missionary based ministry. Gregory Ministries International is a culmination of that vision. We thank you for your interest in our ministry and hope if led you will also help in supporting one of the various areas we are providing to those in need to hear the truth as well as receive aid.
Thank you,
Ted & Caroline Gregory