Ministry Objectives

At GMI we have a two-fold ministry objective plan:

We seek to help build the Kingdom of God through local and international outreach/missions driven work:


International Missionary Objectives

Provide direct missionary and humanitarian support to nations we determine to aid through missionary personnel, financial support and humanitarian resources in order to help them reach a goal of self-sustainability.

Develop and provide teams for short term & long term international mission trips

Develop and provide programs for ‘missionary care’ before  and after trips abroad

Local Community Objectives:

  • provide education, prayer & support for laws for safety and in accordance with  our beliefs for our schools (children, parents, faculty, staff and administration, safe environment for children, appropriate funding and better administration of care, education provided)
  • provide prayer support for hospitals, patients, staff, administrators, needed funding, eradication of any “system, patient or care abuse”
  • provide teams for visiting, volunteering, praying for the sick and shut-in in local homes, hospitals or hospices
  • provide teams for visiting convalescent homes and volunteering to help with prayer, companionship, praise and worship, other useful services as needed.
  • provide  information and resources needed for the local community in need
  •  provide teams for feeding and providing spiritual growth through prayer and witnessing to the homeless, despondent, hopeless, those in need
  • providing volunteers as resources for our local homeless shelters, rescue missions/homes, transition homes
  • providing community outreach and compassion for those in need by:
  • help develop programs and  provide resources to  eradicate graffiti, praying against environments that contribute to detriment of safety, morality (prostitution, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, gangs, violence,  adultery, harming of environment, any illegal business or residential activity)
  • partner with local  churches in outreaches, evangelism events, community services when made available